
Saturday, September 8, 2012

DIY Peel Off Base Coat

Ok, I know everyone has been talking about this so I figured I would too.
Who's scared of glitter polish because it is such a pain in the ass to take off? Yeah, me too. Yes, we can use the aluminum foil method but lets face it, it just kills your hands! My poor fingers look so dry! So I jumped on the PVA/Elmer's glue band wagon. I mean really why wouldn't it work. when we were in school we all use to like to put a coat on our palms and then "peel of our skin" when it dried. this is pretty much the same concept. It's so simple that it kinda makes ya wanna do the forehead slap and say why didn't I think of that???

Basically I filled an empty polish bottle with Elmer's glue.

I apply 2 coats. I tried 1 coat the first time and it just didn't work.

As you can see it dries completely clear ^^^^

I add a top coat on top, I have deep ridges in my nails so this helps me smooth them out.

Now FFW to the removal...

I use a plastic cuticle pusher, I prefer the plastic one since I tend to be a bit heavy handed and have gouged one of my nails with a metal one before.

 First I take the angle end and lift the polish at the cuticle

I then take the rubber end and push the polish off....

It usually comes off in one "sheet"

...though sometimes it comes off in a couple of pieces.

There is  a little bit of polish around the edges but it's a soak free mani!
The best $.74 I've ever spent! I know people are usually only use it for glitter removal but this works well for non glitter mani's as well! (Non glitter mani? Yes there is such a thing! LOL) Especially if you plan on doing a lot of swatching in one day and don;t want to kill your fingers with all that acetone! Not to mention how much $$ you can save by using less acetone and cotton balls, pads, felt, foil...whatever you use!
I hope this was helpful to those who have been wanting to try this.
I know some of you have had a glitter phobia, now there is no excuse!
Will you be trying this? Or have you tried it already? Let me know what you think!
Have a great Saturday ladies!! Now I'm going out to see my girls and eat some yummy Italian food!!!


  1. Such a great idea!! I have been wanting to try this but I'm scared it will damage the top layer of my nail. How did yours fare in the process?

    1. I haven't seen any damage to my nails at all. It lifts of pretty easy yet stays on during showers and dish washing. I haven't noticed any extra yellowing either (the only yellowing I have is old.) I highly recommend it!

  2. I tried this recently too, and I LOVE it!! I also have seen no damage, and I LOVE glitter bomb mani's again! :-)

  3. LOLOLOL. Love it: "Non-glitter mani. Yes. There is such a thing!" LOLOL. A terrific tutorial, and now this here glitter fiend is right on top of how it's done. Thanks a bunch!


  4. Damn, wished I had known about this sooner. Just did my nails too for an interview, which I plan on removing right after and repainting them. Well, I'll keep it in mind for swatching.

  5. My nail polish was falling off almost a day worked almost too well for me! It may have been because I wash my hands a lot at work so I think the water really started dissolving the glue, but I do love how easy it was to remove and like you said, how perfect this is for swatching!

    1. Yeah i'm sure it's not a great long term base coat. I tend to change my polish everyday at least once a day, lol. But yes it's amazing for swatching, so much cheaper than buying a ton of acetone, cotton balls and foil! :)

  6. I have been using glue as my base coat for non-glitter manis after my base coat busted. Its very useful and so easy to get off.


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