
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nailgasm Unicorn Barf Winner!!!

Hello loves! I'm so sorry it's been quiet, I haven't managed to maintain the balance of blogging and the weekends with the little one, so blogging takes the back seat. 
I did manage to take a few minutes last night to pull the winner for the Unicorn Barf giveaway! 
 And the winner is...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
...congratulations dear! I hope you enjoy this beauty! 
I would like to thank Brittany of Nailgasm once more for donating this great prize and making this giveaway possible! 
If you must have a bottle of Unicorn Barf, which you really should since it's awesome, visit Nailgasm on Etsy here!
And don't forget to like Nailgasm on Facebook here, Brittany posts all of her shop updates there! 


  1. Maybe it's just me - but I can't see the results))

  2.'s showing up in my browser. I'll try to re-post it.

  3. Don't feel bad about not blogging on the weekend, I normally don't post on the weekend, unless it's for a challenge..... I wish this was me, but alas it is not!!


I love comments, suggestions, questions etc. so feel free to leave your feedback! I may not always respond to each and every comment but I do read them all! If you want me to check out your blog leave a comment on the blog roll page (that tab is at the top of the page). Please do not leave links on my main page, they WILL BE DELETED! If you would like to have me review your product you can find my info in the Contact/Pr Info tab at the top of the page! Thanks for reading and subscribing!