
Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 28 Inspired by a Flag

Hello loves! Today is day 28! Yes, 28!!! I can't believe it's almost over! To be honest there were times I was like "IS THIS EVER GOING TO END!?!?!" LOL But I have had a lot of  fun doing this! It's really helped me expand as a blogger and it has allowed me to find some great gals that I now call friends! So If you are a new blogger or thinking about blogging  join a challenge, it really gives you the sense of community that you hear so much about from us crazy polish junkies! Thank you to all of you great gals that comment all the time and show so much love, thank you to all of you that follow and enjoy watching me grow in my obsession and hopefully talent! Thank you to my new friends, who help encourage me when I feel like I don't want to keep going! You all are frickin amazing! Now on to the challenge!

From day 1 I knew what I would do for this day of the challenge. The one and only day I have had planned out from the beginning! Some of you may know this already but for those who don't, I am 1st generation American on my dads side. He came straight from Mexico when he was barely a teenager to find work and send money home to my grandparents to help support my aunt and many uncles. My father had to over come many prejudices and obstacles in his life to provide for his family then and even more when my brothers and I were born. I am very proud of who my father has become and glad to say that my dad is one of my best friends! Now I am a big mix of many nationalities, Irish, German and Sicilian, all from my mom's side, but the heritage that runs most dominantly through my veins is Mexican. ¡Yo soy Chicana y estoy orgullosa! So for this day of the challenge I was inspired by the Mexican Flag! 

Colors used:
Sinful Colors Last Chance
Orly Mermaid Tale
Sinful Colors Snow Me White
LA Colors (No name)
Wet n Wild Red Red
Orly Rockets Red Glare 
The design I used acrylic paint.

It turned out way better than I thought it would! I'm pretty pleased that my eagle kind of resembles and actual eagle! LOL I had a concept in my head but usually the concepts tend to translate different on the nail. 

Well that is all from me for now, so in the mean time go check out the other polished pretties and see what flag inspired creations they have come up with!


  1. So pretty!!! I love the writing you did on your nails it really looks fantastic!! Whenever I try to write on mine it looks like a big old blob :( LOL But awesome mani!!! ^.^

    1. Thanks hun! It usually looks like crud when I do any writting too! I got lucky this time!

  2. It looks amazing. Especially like the photos of you holding all the fun stuff!!!

    1. Thanks! I love those beads, I got them at the Cinco de Mao festival several years ago.

  3. This is freakin awesome!!!!! I love Mexican Heritage and Tradition. Living in New Mexico, it's all around me. It's damn cool!

  4. WOW! In love. You did a super job on this, Gini!

    Brava, babe!


  5. nice work! love your post i had lots of fun reading it! :)
    These turned out amazing!

  6. Oh please you don't want this to end!! You would miss us all too much!!! Well except for me because I'm a stalker and love your shit, sooooo!!! Lol


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