
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pretty Serious Cosmetics "The Pink One"

Hello loves! Today's TIOT is a cheat for me, I didn't have time to do a mani so I am posting pictures from a polish I tried out a couple of weeks ago and never got around to doing  a blog post for it. This is my very first Pretty Serious. I had tried to get Naughty Night Shift Nurse but that sold out in about 30 seconds, seriously it was like 30 seconds! So even though I was on the website before the release time I guess my fingers just weren't fast enough. Since I missed out on that beauty I had to console myself with this stunner. So here's my really fast TIOT post!

 The Pink One...
...a shimmery hot pink with a blue flash.
All photos of The Pink One are shown as 2 coats topped with SH Mega Shine.

I am so in love with this color. The formula, absolutely fantastic! It just glides on to the nail, smooth as silk. It is a bit sheer on the first coat but it builds nicely with the second. I just can't get over this color, I got so many compliments while wearing this. It's such a bright and summery shade and it makes pretty much any skin tone look amazing! 

The Pink One can be purchased on for $9.95 AUD.
The conversion rate between the Australian Dollar vs the US Dollar is usually only a few cents, right now it's only about an $.08 difference, though it does fluctuate so make sure to check the conversion rate when you plan to purchase. Also shipping is super cheap, since PS has a US distribution facility so we gals can buy the heck outta these and not have to worry about a high mark up or a crazy shipping prices just to get them. I know I will be adding more PS's to my stash for sure!! 
How about you ? Are there any colors you recommend or have been eyeing?

You can follow Pretty Serious Cosmetics on these social media sites:
Twitter @PSCosmetics
Instagram @pscosmetics

Come see the TIOT photos that some of my Facebook friends have submitted by clicking the picture above. If you would like to join us simply email your photo and the link to where you posted it (blog, facebook, twitter, instagram) to me at Please submit only one photo or a small collage if you have multiple manis. Thank you! 

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