
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

TIOT: Wing Dust Collections "Ocean Tears"

Welcome to week 16 of  Try It On Tuesday! Wow! 16 weeks into the year already, can you believe it? I have another blue beauty to show you all this week, following the theme of the month for Autism Awareness! I have been wanting Ocean Tears since it first was released and I thought I had missed my opportunity to get my hands on it when Stephanie said that she was going to be retiring some of her pretties. This one being a LE  made it hard to get during restocks. Well one of her last restocks I aimed for getting this one, I didn't care if I couldn't get any other shade I HAD to have Ocean Tears! I stalked Wing Dust's Etsy shop until it popped up! Yay! It is now mine!! Here's why I had to have this polish...

Ocean Tears...

... a creamy teal base with holo turquoise hex and smaller holo glitter added.
All photos of Ocean Tears are shown as 3 coats topped with Mega Shine.

Can you see why I had to have this? Isn't it gorgeous? I only wish it wasn't storming here today, I would have liked to have gotten some outdoor/sunlight pictures to see the sparkle of the holo. The hexes catch the light and almost glow and once the top coat was added it made it so squishy it really is like the ocean! It really reminds me of being in the Caribbean, the gorgeous crystal clear blue waters of St. Croix. Oh how I miss the ocean air, I can smell it and hear the waves. Ugh, I need a vacation!!! 

Ok, enough reminiscing. The pictures show this much lighter than it really is, the first picture is the most color accurate of them all. This polish applies like a dream, smooth as silk and dries really fast. The glitters come out easily and spread across the nail nice and evenly. No flooding, pooling, dragging or thickening during use. The glitters seem to blend into the polish well, making the use of a glitter smoothing top coat unnecessary. It is perfect, as can be expected from a Wing Dust! 

Wing Dust Collections can be purchased on Etsy by clicking here. Full size bottles retail for anywhere from $8 to $12. Don't forget to use the code Sassy15 at checkout for your 15% off!!!  These polishes currently aren't in stock but  you can follow Wing Dust on the following social media sites and get more info on restocks...

What are your thoughts on this polish? Do you find it as amazing as I do? 
Thanks for stopping by,come back tomorrow for another double post day! I have a review on some holos from Kelara Lacquers and my letter "P" for the ABC Challenge

♥ Gini ♥ 

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