
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

ABC Challenge O is for OPI

Welcome to week "O" of the ABC Challenge! I had a mani in my head for this day for a while,but when I tried to create it I wound up with a big fat FAIL! So I scrapped that idea and went with something easy for this weeks letter. I decided to go with 2 beauties that I had on my wish list for a very long time that Alaina from Don't Spill the Acetone sent me for our St. Patty's exchange. Thanks Alaina! 

OPI Grape, Set, Match & Servin' Up Sparkle
I had a hell of a time trying to get color accurate pictures of Grape, Set, Match. These purples with the blue shimmer just make my camera wig out! It's close to the actual color, but it's a tad brighter IRL. These photos are shown as 4 coats no top coat. Yes 4 coats, and I still had some bald spots. Gorgeous polish but the formula left something to be desired, it just didn't seem to want to stop pulling the color. Oh well, it's still amazing.

Servin' Up Sparkle is shown as 1 coat not top coat. I wouldn't recommend wearing this without a top coat but since I was just taking it off right away I decided to go a head and leave it off. 

Blurred to show all the sparkle.
Now I need to go do some laundry! Fun.
 ♥ Gini ♥


  1. I was lucky enough to snag these as a set at Marshall's back when my nail polish hobby (obsession) started and Servin' Up Sparkle remains one of my favorite pretty! Love the two together and your camera does way better with those colors than mine :)

  2. I love these two polishes but I still don't own them.

  3. I've had these two forever but I still love them. They look great on you! I agree the formula on Grape Set & Match can be a bit iffy, but the colour is worth it!

  4. OOoooooh that's such a pretty combination!

  5. Very pretty purple, love the sparkles too! Great combo.

  6. Four coats! I think the combo is great!

  7. I want them!!!! Beautiful!!n I wouldn't have thought to put the two together, but they make a fabulous combo!

  8. Love that purple, but wow 4 coats. That glitter is pretty too.

  9. This looks amazing. I have Techno by China Glaze which is a dupe of Servin' up Sparkle ;)

  10. They are both stunning, I wish I had them!!

  11. Beautiful sparkly sparkle chica!

  12. Sparkly!!!!! Love the combo but *ugh* at those 4 coats!

  13. Gorgeous combo! ^^ I love both polishes!

  14. My camera hates purples with blue shimmer too! Anyway, love the two polishes you showed us, and their combination too! :)

  15. Oh, please...with that Servin up the Sparkle on top? Holy chit.

    It's been a real busy week by me, and it is sooooo nice to finally have "nail" time. LOLOLOL.

    My camera does not understand blue. Or purple. Like yours, mine "wigs out." Perfect description.


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